Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir mun halda yfirlitserindi á líffræðiráðstefnunni um hlutverk líffræði í sjálfbærni á Íslandi.
Brynhildur er prófessor í umhverfis og auðindafræði við Háskóla Íslands, tengd bæði líf og umhverfisvísindadeild og hagfræðideild skólans. Rannsóknir hennar snúnast um sjálfbærni og hagfræði auðlindanotkunar.
Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir will deliver a plenary talk titled Environmental sustainability in Iceland; the role of biology.
It is well known that securing sustainable development is necessary for continued human wellbeing. Environmental sustainability is one of the three dimensions of sustainability, and as has been shown is fundamental in securing progress in the other two dimensions. But how is Iceland doing in terms of its environmental sustainability and what needs to be done to ensure we are moving in the correct direction? This presentation will first look at four sustainability metrics that all capture how Iceland is doing in terms of environmental sustainability. Next based on extensive group interviews with experts in 7 specific categories; fresh water, energy, atmosphere, ocean and coasts, land, waste and biological diversity we explore in depth where and why Iceland is doing well, what can be done better and how and who should be responsible. Results illustrate that Iceland seems to be doing well in terms of environmental sustainability mostly due to its small population and its wealth of natural resources. However its excessive and growing ecological footprint, lack of holistic and coordinated management of its environment and natural resources, significant lack of basic knowledge of Icelandic ecosystems, in addition to increased pressures due to growth in specific economic sectors indicates that much needs to be done to secure environmental sustainability with a clear role of biologists in that task.
Brynhildur is a Professor of Environment and Natural Resources within the Departments of Economics and Life and Environmental Sciences at University of Iceland and is the Director of University´s of Iceland Arctic Initiative. Dr. Davíðsdóttir has extensive teaching, research and consulting experience in interdisciplinary issues as they relate to environmental and energy analysis, such as environmental and energy policy and management, sustainable energy development, sustainability indicators, climate change mitigation and adaptation and modeling energy related technological transitions. Dr. Davíðsdóttir is also on the board of the International Society for Ecological Economic and the book review editor for the Ecological Economics journal. Dr. Davidsdottir also has served on various government committees in Iceland, e.g. was the chair of the Government appointed expert committee on greenhouse gas mitigation in Iceland and is a member of the government committee on climate adaptation actions for Iceland. She also was a member government appointed expert committee on future forestry policy for Iceland and a member of the government appointed expert committee on future energy policy for Iceland. She in addition serves on the board of directors of several companies in Iceland.
Currently Dr. Davíðsdóttir is involved in research related to transitions to low carbon and adaptive societies, blue and green growth, valuing ecosystem services and sustainability assessments.
Notable publications.
Full publication list on Google Scholar.
IEA, 2013, Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives Pathways to a Carbon Neutral Energy Future, IEA and NER, Paris. (BD led the Icelandic team in this IEA effort).
Ruth, M. and B. Davidsdottir (eds.), 2009, The Dynamics of Regions and Networks in Industrial Ecosystems, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK. 264 pp.
Ruth M og B. Davidsdottir (eds.), 2008, Changing Stocks Flows and Behaviors in Industrial Ecosystems, Edward Elgar Publishing, USA. 149 pp.