Tómas Grétar Gunnarsson

Tómas Grétar Gunnarsson mun halda erindi um tengsl farflugs og stofnvistfræði hjá farfuglum en farfuglar eiga undir högg að sækja hnattrænt. Tómas er vísindamaður við Háskóla Íslands og forstöðumaður Rannsóknaseturs Háskóla Íslands á Suðurlandi.

Tómas Grétar Gunnarsson is a research professor at the University of Iceland and a director of the South Iceland Research Centre of the university. The research at the Centre links  studies on bird migration, population dynamics of migratory bird populations and the effects of land-use on biodiversity conservation. Tómas has served on several boards and committees in Iceland and abroad contributing to conservation and land-use policy. He has been active in promoting ecology in Iceland and is one of the founding members of the Ecological Society of Iceland. 


Tómas will give a plenary talk entitled: Linking bird migration systems and demography

Migratory birds are sentinels of global change as they traverse continents on their journeys. The current global biodiversity and extinction crisis has not escaped migratory birds which are declining world-wide. It is urgent to gain a mechanistic understanding the links between migration and demography in migratory birds to mitigate population declines and design conservation action. Icelandic breeding waders (ísl: vaðfuglar) form a suitable model on which to study links between migration and demography as they vary greatly in their migration systems but breed under similar conditions in Iceland. The talk gives an overview of studies into the links between demography, migration systems and conservation of Icelandic waders.