

Frá árinu 2009 hefur félagið haldið ráðstefnu á tveggja ára fresti og boðið öndvegisfyrirlesurum að halda yfirlitserindi um rannsóknir sínar.

Eftirfarandi hafa þekkst boðið og haldið erindi á Líffræðiráðstefnunni:


Sigríður Sunna Ebenesersdóttir
The genetic history of human populations in the North Atlantic: inferred from ancient and modern genomes. 

Nina Overgaard Therkildsen
Contemporary Evolution and Adaptive Divergence in Open Ocean Environments: New Insights and Applications to Fisheries Management.

Ingi Agnarsson
The generation of a biodiversity hotspot: Biogeography and diversity of arachnids in the Caribbean archipelago

Mohamed Noor
Lethal mutations in natural populations and in fiction


Eiríkur Steingrímsson
MITF and phenotype plasticity in melanoma

Ingileif Jónsdóttir
Vaccines against COVID-19, a success story

Þóra Ellen Þórhallsdóttir 
Abrupt ecosystem shifts: Thresholds, processes and timescales.Lessons for 21st century changes

Detlev Arendt 
Traversing European Coastlines: The TREC expedition

Johannes Krause
The genetic history of plague: From the Stone Age to the 21st century

Haseeb Randhawa 
Research in the Falkland Islands: Jack of all trades, master of none


Christina Hvilsom
Zoos in Science and science in zoos

Guðmundur Oddur Magnússon (Goddur)
„Gleymskan mikla“ Um hlutverk innsæis og forgangsröðun eftir tilfinningum í rannsóknum. Hver er munurinn á visku og þekkingu. Er ekkert „til“ nema hægt sé að spegla það eða mæla? / “The Great Forgetting” Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge. What happened to the intuitive mind. Is research only about measurments and objectification?

Halldór Þorgeirsson
Biology and Ecology in an era of global disruption

Mary I. O’Connor
Toward a unified science of ecological change: Thermal ecology as a central pillar

Snæbjörn Pálsson
Um uppruna tegunda og tegundafjölbreytileika á Íslandi / On the origin of species and species diversity in Iceland

Tómas Grétar Gunnarsson
Linking bird migration systems and demography


Gísli Másson
Human genetics as big data science

Hafdís Hanna Ægisdóttir
Sátt eða sundrung? Sambúð manns og náttúru í fjórum heimsálfum /Synergy or segregation?: Interplay between man and nature in four continents

Hjálmar Hátún
The North Atlantic subpolar gyre regulates marine ecosystems.

Jean-Philippe Bellenger
Why trace metals matter in environmental microbiology

Margrét H. Ögmundsdóttir
The role of intracellular waste and recycling in cancer.


Mina Bissell
Why don’t we get more cancer?  The crucial role of Extracellular Matrix and Microenvironment in metastasis and dormancy

Greg Gibson
Decanalization and the Evolution of Disease Risk

Robert Hindges 
How do we see the world: Mechanisms to establish specific circuits in the vertebrate retina

Steven E. Campana
Adventures in the Arctic: First steps towards a pan-Arctic conservation strategy for lake trout 

Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir
Environmental sustainability in Iceland; the role of biology

Snorri Baldursson
Náttúruvernd á krossgötum


James Wohlschlegel
Proteolytic Control of Iron Metabolism and DNA Repair

Agnar Helgason
Dissecting the genetic history of a human population: A decade of research about Icelanders

Þóra Ellen Þórhallsdóttir
Afturábak eða nokkuð á leið: Staða náttúruverndar á Íslandi

Þorvarður Árnason
Er þörf á sérstöku ráðuneyti umhverfismála á Íslandi?


Kári Stefánsson
Genetics of complex human traits


Ingibjörg Svala Jónsdóttir
Samspil plantna og dýra á norðurslóðum

Unnur Þorsteinsdóttir
Genetics of common complex diseases – the deCODE project

Sigríður Rut Franzdóttir
Molecular control of cell migration – glial cell dynamics in the Drosophila eye

Hjörleifur Guttormsson
Vistkreppa eða náttúruvernd?

Sigurður S. Snorrason og Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir
Þróun atferlis