Guidelines to authors 2013


The 2013 biology in Iceland conference takes place at Decode Genetics headquartes and the University of Iceland campus. The opening remarks and plenary session on Friday will take place in the main lecture hall at Decode Genetics (Sturlugata 8). General lectures will also take place in Askja, the Natural science building at the University of Iceland (halls 130, 131 and 132).


Registration is online until November 8th, abstract submission is open until October 10th. Registration and abstract submission 

The registration desk will be opened in the Decode reception hall, between 8:30 and 12:00 on November 8th. After that the registration desk will be located on the groundfloor of Askja.


General registration fee is 6000 kr, 4000 for members of the Icelandic biological society. For students the fees are 2000 kr. (1000 kr. for members). One can pay in advance, by electronic transfer to the Icelandic biological societies account, Líffræðifélag Íslands, kt. 4709830199, tékkareikningur: 515-26-49867 and send an email with specifics to


Overview of plenary talks, subject symposia and timing of each talk will be uploaded to The schedule of the conference has been finalized and a list of posters is available.


Poster session from 17 – 20 on November 8th, ground floor in Askja

The poster-holders restrict the size of posters. The maximum size of posters is A0, portrait (maximum height 120 cm and width 90 cm). The posters are numbered from V1 to V80, and the poster session will take place on the ground floor of Askja on November 8th. Odd numbered poster shall be presented between 17:00 and 18:30 and even numbered posters between 18:30 and 20:00. The stands go up at the evening of the November 7th, and are taken down after 17:00 on November 9th. Light refreshments will be provided during the afternoon session. Participants are encouraged to install the posters at the earliest convenience, and leave them hanging for the duration of the conference.

Printing of posters

Háskólaprent offers conference participants 20% discount on poster printing. A0 without discount is 6900 kr. It takes 3-4 hours to print posters. You should tell them that you are going to the Biology conference. Háskólaprent, Fálkagötu 2, 107 Reykjavík s: 588 1162


Note change in advertized time for talks. Each speaker has 14 minutes for their presentation and further 4 for discussion (not 15 and 5 as previously advertized). Session leaders are instructed to keep tight schedule, thus we encourage speakers to time, trim and polish their talks considering the allocated time. Speaker with slides in electronic format should bring copies of their talks, no later than during the break preceeding their talk.

We can take PC based formats with ease, but encourage mac users to bring a pdf version of their presentation (as a back up), or their own computers with adapters.


All abstracts, poster and talks, will be made available on this webpage (pdf).


Several companies will introduce their products and services at the conference. Their booths will be in the center hall of Askja, where the coffee breaks also take place.

Final reception and ball

At the end of the conferece, XXXX provides refreshments in Askja. The Icelandic biological society ball for the fall, will be in on the 9th of November 2013.

For questions and further information: