Ráðstefna um líftækni, siðfræði og öryggi

Norræna lífsiðanefndin býður til ráðstefnu í Tromsö í ágústmánuði, um nýjungar í líftækni sem kallaðar eru synthetic biology. Rætt verður um tæknina og möguleika hennar, en einnig velt upp spurningum um siðfræðileg álitamál og öryggi henni tengd.

Fyrirlesarar eru alþjóðlegir sérfræðingar, þar á meðal nokkrir norðurlandabúar, og okkar maður Guðmundur Óli Hreggviðsson.

Framhaldsnemum í líffræði, læknisfræði, siðfræði og öðrum greinum sem snerta á þessu máli standa til boða ferða og uppihaldsstyrkir. Nánari upplýsingar í tilkynningu frá Nordforsk.

Invitation to a Nordic Committee on Bioethics conference: Syntheticbiology; bioethics and biosafety

The Nordic Committee on Bioethics in collaboration with the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board are organizing a conference in Tromsø on the 28th of August 2014. The meeting is free of charge, please register here.

Synthetic biology aims to utilize emerging approaches of modern biotechnology to engineer biological systems for human and environmental purposes. At this conference, key persons will describe approaches and innovations within the field, accompanied by presentation that focus more on potential ethical, societal and safety implications. The conference will close with brief presentations by PhD students.

To see the agenda, please visit NCBio’s website.

Travel grants for PhD students

The Nordic Committee on Bioethics offers travel grants for 6-10 PhD students from the Nordic countries working on synthetic biology or related questions (philosophical, ethical, literary, biosafety issues or other related topics will be considered).

Ph.D. students should send in a 250 word abstract for a poster before June 10th the latest to hanne.hauge@nordforsk.org. Students will be informed by June 23rd of the decision of  the organizing committee. Each student will introduce their poster during coffee and lunchbreaks and give a mini talk in the afternoon (3 slides/5 minutes).

This is a unique opportunity for graduate students to discuss synthetic biology in a broad context, and students from the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences are encouraged to apply. Contributions will be chosen primarily on content, but also to capture the breadth of topics and nationalities.

If you have questions concerning this event, please contact

Anne Myhr, chair, anne.i.myhr@uit.no,  Tel.:  +47 77 64 46 42


Hanne Silje Hauge, secretary, hanne.hauge@nordforsk.org, Tel.: +47 92 62 58 83