Verkefni fyrir doktorsnema er í boði í Svíþjóð. Orjan Carlborg við háskólann í Uppsölum er leiðbeinandi, og fjallar verkefnið um rannsóknir á erfðum flókinna eiginleika. Úr tilkynningu:
Computational genetic dissection of complex traits
An increased understanding of the genetics and evolution of complex traits is not only of fundamental scientific interest but is of paramount importance for future developments in most areas of biology, including medicine, veterinary medicine and agriculture. We aim to provide new insights into complex-trait genetics by using and developing new computational methods in the areas of mathematical modelling, statistical analysis and simulation. We also conduct empirical work where we establish our own experimental animal populations and characterize these phenotypically and genetically using e.g. genome-resequencing and high-density genotyping – all with an aim to validate and replicate important findings. This PhD-student project is an important part in this effort and will be performed in this strong, inter-disciplinary research environment. We would like you to include a description of your research interests, earlier research experiences and a motivation why you would like to conduct your PhD studies in the Division of Computational Genetics in the Department of Clinical Sciences, SLU in your application. You will be one of several PhD students in the Division and will be part of one of the Research Schools of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. Read more about the PhD education in the Handbook for postgraduate students. Read about the PhD education at SLU at