21 og 22. nóv. erindi um laxfiska: Variation in metabolic rates and effect of parasites on foraging

It is a pleasure to announce two talks on salmonid biology, organized in junction with Holar University Colleage.

Parasitic freshwater pearl mussel larvae impair foraging, activity, and dominance performance in juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta L.)


The life cycle of the freshwater pearl mussel includes a parasitic larval phase (glochidia) on the gills of a salmonid host. This phenomenon has been evolved over a very long time and Infestation in juvenile salmonids has traditionally been assumed to be more or less benign to the host fish.  Here I will present some recent work where we have investigated the relationship between glochidia encystment and behavioral parameters such as foraging activity and agonistic behaviour  in brown trout. Our findings suggest that high loads of glochidiae larvae had significant effects on foraging, activity and behavior. In addition, glochidia encystment also imposed a physiological effect on the trout reflected in an increased metabolism and haematocrit in infested fish. Preliminary results also suggest that glochidia infestation is non-random and that the behaviour of the host fish can influence the likelihood of glochidia infestation where active fish were more likely to get infested. Hence, for management of mussel populations in the streams it is important to acknowledge that activity of the fish both may affect the infestation rate as well as the dispersal of the mussel. Heavy glochidia loads, may also negatively influence host fitness due to reduced competitive ability. Captive breeding programs where artificially infested fish are translocated into streams should therefore avoid high infestation rates. Instead, low levels of infestation on host fish which do not affect trout behavior but maintains mussel populations, may be optimal in these cases.

Dr. Neil B. Metcalfe professor at the University of Glasgow will talk about:

Why does metabolic rate vary between individuals?


In all species studied to date both minimal and maximal rates of metabolism show pronounced variation among individuals, even if they are the same size, sex and nutritional state, and look identical to the human eye. In this talk I will explore the causes of this variation (delving into the mitochondria, and even the position of an egg in the ovary), and its behavioural and ecological consequences. The topic will be illustrated using examples drawn from our recent work on salmonid fishes. 

Both speakers are in Iceland for the examination of the Ph.D. thesis of Nicolas Larranaga – Ecological correlates of diel activity in stream-dwelling Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus on November 21st.

Chair for these talks will be Stefán Ó. Steingrímsson.

Háskóli Íslands