Vulnerability of Lakes to Aquatic Invasive Plants- 17. apríl 2015

Mariana Lucia Tamayo talks about Vulnerability of Lakes to Aquatic Invasive Plants
Föstudagur, April 17, 2015 – 12:30 to 13:20
Askja Náttúrufræðihús, Háskóla Íslands. Sturlugata 7, 101 Reykjavík
Nánari staðsetning:
Room 131

Invasive species are a major threat to biodiversity, and they cause billions of dollars in economic damages. Over 11.000 non-native species are present in Europe, of which >400 are classified as invasive species. Currently, North America has documented at least 2900 invasive species. These number will continue to grow with increasing commerce, shipping, horticultural and aquarium trades, tourism and climate change. Research indicates that prevention, early detection and rapid response strategies for invasive species, have ecological and economic benefits that surpass the costs of controlling them. Risk assessments are very useful tools to help prevent new invasions, and guide early detection of invasive species. A vulnerability assessment to evaluate the risk of lakes in Washington State, United States to three invasive aquatic plants will be discussed.

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