Meistara eða PhDverkefni um aðlögun í bleikju

Í boði er styrkt meistara eða doktorsverkefni um erfðafræði aðlögunar í bleikju.

Verkefnið er samstarf Skúla Skúlasonar og Bjarna K. Kristjánssonar við Háskólann á Hólum og Moiru Ferguson við Háskólann í Guelph.

Um verkefnið:

What causes a population to diversify? How are the axes of diversification limited? What are the genetic bases of adaptive diversification in natural populations? These questions are central to understanding the diversity of life and yet remain as key challenges in evolutionary biology. As part of an international collaboration, we attempt to answer such questions. There is an exciting opportunity for a promising graduate student to join us, at PhD or MSc level, in exploring the processes underlying adaptive diversification in nature.

Position description:
We are seeking a motivated and talented graduate student with an interest in understanding the genetic basis of diversification. The position will involve a combination of fieldwork with exposure to state-of-the-art molecular techniques, with time spent both in Iceland and in Canada. Funding opportunities are available for Canadian or Icelandic students.

Upplýsingar veita Skúli Skúlason (, s. 861 3476) og Bjarni K. Kristjánsson (, s. 894 4771).