Registration and abstract submission

The Biology in Iceland Conference will be on November 8th and 9th.

The Conference on Biological Research in Iceland, November 8th and 9th 2013.

The schedule of the conference has been finalized and a list of posters is available (and abstracts).

Registration is still open.


Submit an abstract for a talk or poster (until October 10th) and register online (until November 8th)

First one has register and create a user. It is possible to log in again and make adjustments to abstract(s) or author information.

Register and/or submit an abstract  (a separate registration site will pop-up)

Information and guidelines to authors.

Conference topics

All contributions in the broad domain of biology are welcome, covering for instance ecology, molecular and human biology. We encourage contributions on research addressing biological questions in all fields of biology and the teaching of biology.

Details on the program and registration and submit are available at The abstract, talk or posters can either be in Icelandic or English. The sessions will be organized by topics and language.
While entering the abstract for a a talk or poster, the participants are asked to try to fit their contribution into a broad domain within biology, but if those are not applicable the option can be left blank.

Several special topic sessions have been organized, in collaboration with other societies and academics.

One specific topic session has been decided, on “Teaching biology” in conjunction with the Icelandic society of biology teachers (Samlif) which celebrates 30 years in operation this year.

A special session will cover Life in Surtsey – as 2013 marks the 50th  anniversary of the eruption that gave rise to the island.

One session will be devoted to Protection and hunting of wild animals and birds.

General topic sessions

This is not final list – authors can suggest other categories during registration

Developmental biology
Marine biology
Freshwater  biology
Environmental biology
Molecular biology
Teaching biology
Surtsey biology
Hunting and protection of wild animals and birds

Organizers / Board of The Icelandic Biological Society

Guðmundur Á. Þórisson (
Snorri Páll Davíðsson (
Lovísa Ólöf Guðmundsdóttir (
Hrönn Egilsdóttir (
Arnar Pálsson (