Líffræðifélag Íslands - biologia.is
Líffræðiráðstefnan 2021
Erindi/veggspjald / Talk/poster E25
Höfundar / Authors: Mervi Orvokki Luoma (1), Mariana Lucia Tamayo (1)
Starfsvettvangur / Affiliations: 1. Environment and Natural Resources, University of Iceland
Kynnir / Presenter: Mervi Orvokki Luoma
Urban biodiversity and invasive species management have been on the top agenda of Nordic countries in the recent years. Invasive and alien species, such as Cow Parsley (Skogarkerfill = Anthriscus sylvestris) and Sweet Cicely (Spanarkerfill = Myrrhis odorata), threaten biodiversity and can negatively impact the functioning and health of urban ecosystems. Cow Parsley is an alien invasive plant spreading rapidly around Iceland. Sweet Cicely is an alien plant spreading from gardens in Reykjavík. Public outreach about these two plants and other invasive species is a useful tool to promote urban biodiversity. During the summer of 2021, we began an educational pilot project to create awareness about invasive and alien plants in Reykjavík through public education with on-site events, social media outreach and multi-stakeholder collaboration. Our project seeks to inspire people to explore ways of managing invasive plants. The events are focused on learning how to recognize and manage Cow Parsley and Sweet Cicely, as well as how to use them for cooking, helping to increase awareness among the general public in a fun and interactive way. Our events and social media presence are made in collaboration with the City of Reykjavík, Reykjavík Botanical Garden, and Flóran Garden Bistro. The knowledge gained from this pilot project will be used to further develop and implement both local and Nordic management strategies for invasive species in the coming years.