Líffræðifélag Íslands - biologia.is
Líffræðiráðstefnan 2017
Erindi/veggspjald / Talk/poster V58
Höfundar / Authors: Arnar Þór Björgvinsson, Hörður Guðmundsson, Zophonías O. Jónsson, Sigríður Rut Franzdóttir
Starfsvettvangur / Affiliations: Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences and Biomedical Center, University of Iceland.
Kynnir / Presenter: Arnar Þór Björgvinsson
Intracellular localization and dynamics of proteins in vivo can give us important clues about their function in cells. Variety of techniques and optical methods exist that suit different problems. Imaging of large biological samples to reveal dynamics, movements and interactions of proteins are becoming easier with the introduction of increasing variety of microscopes. Coupling of optics with other methods can potentially result in more meaningful data.
To study the intracellular dynamics and localization of proteins we are setting up different models and techniques. Currently we focus our studies on the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where we have generated strains with different fluorescent tags on endogenous proteins of interest using conventional techniques and the CRISPR/Cas9 system. We have initiated our study on the intracellular dynamics of these proteins in vivo, using conventional confocal microscopy. High-resolution and light sheet microscopy will then be used to generate a developmental expression profile of the fly as well as for imaging the intracellular localization, interactions and dynamics of the proteins in both flies and yeast. To study direct interactions between proteins in vivo we will employ FRET analysis. The tagged strains also provide useful tools for studying interactions in vitro and will be used for protein co-IP, chIP-seq and RNA-IP-sequencing studies.