Líffræðifélag Íslands
Líffræðiráðstefnan 2013
Veggspjald 46

Migratory behaviour of lumpfish, Cyclopterus lumpus

Jacob Matthew Kasper (1,2), Sigurður Þór Jónsson (1) og Höskuldur Björnsson (1)

1) Marine Research Institute
2) Biopol

Kynnir/Tengiliður: Sigurður Þór Jónsson (sigurdur.thor.jonsson@gmail.com)

85 female and seven male lumpfish, Cyclopterus lumpus, were tagged with data storage tags recording pressure and temperature. 20 females were tagged during the annual Icelandic Groundfish Survey (IGFS) in March 2013. 65 female fish and seven male were tagged in the cod and lumpfish gillnet fishery in March and April 2013. To date, six tags from females tagged on the IGFS and from 11 females and 1 male tagged in the gillnet fishery have been returned. 

Lumpfish exhibit frequent vertical swimming behavior and were found at a range of depths from the surface to 300m. Some fish tended to occupy the bottom during daytime, but at least one fish was found to spend a significant portion of time at or near the surface during the daytime. Most profiles show periods where fish spend several hours without vertical change, during which the tidal height was registered. When the fish are caught in gillnets they may spend a number of days in the net before being hauled in. The data from these tagging studies provides insight into the migration routes and behavior patterns of lumpfish.